Graphic elements of Web 2.0

Web 2.0 design has created a revolution in Internet the number of ways. This cooperation factor enabled people to share information, it is much easier than before.

Then there's the factor for the desktop environment in the Internet. But nothing is more apparent in Web 2.0 world than the so-called Web 2.0 design.

What makes Web 2.0 design differ from designs past?

Here are some of the elements that set it apart from all that.

1. Rounded boxes -Although it was used in the construction of the past, this the design is not widely used until Web 2.0 came. This helps to give a fresh look at Web sites, which is used to dominated by a very professional-looking rectangular boxes.

2. Reflections -This item is intended to give off a 3D appearance icons.

However be used sparingly, only to be used for give a plain search depth of icons.

3. white space -Web design, with many gaps were No-No. information must be packed as more space possible.
But not anymore in Web 2.0 design world. Having many gaps at the design makes it possible to read

things on the screen without causing too much eye strain. In Addition To It also establishes the boundaries between elements without actually the establishment of the demarcation line.

4. Big fonts -immediately grab attention. Large fonts It is therefore useful in highlighting important parts

Web page especially News and banners.


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